This entails finding every single Energy Sphere as well as completing each of Magolor’s Copy Ability challenges at least once (regardless of rank). You can still shoot for the stars if you like, but it’s not necessary! Here’s a full list of the tasks you do need to accomplish: Thankfully, you don’t have to earn Platinum medals in modes that assign them (Magolor’s Copy Ability challenges and Magolor Epilogue). Kirby’s Return to Dream Deluxe tracks 100% completion by checking if you’ve finished the tasks listed below. There’s even more required content for the Switch remake, so let’s go over what the game counts and doesn’t count for 100% completion!

In the context of 100% completion, the original Return to Dream Land was already one of the more involved games in the series –specifically, having to complete both Story Mode and Extra Mode.

Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe is a full remake of the Wii game from 2011.